Karen Linebarger,
Chief Executive

Karen Linebarger is the Chief Operating Officer for PAC Outsourcing LLC. In addition to her client assignments, Karen oversees the company’s corporate campaign finance program.

Prior to joining the company, she was Co-owner and CFO for W.D.W. Operators, Inc. (Salt Water Disposal Systems throughout West Texas); Co-owner and CFO of Permian Development Inc., an oil and gas operating entity; and Co-owner and CFO of Daniel Energy, Inc., a non-operating energy company in Midland, Texas.  After relocating to Alexandria, Virginia in 2004, she was the Assistant Director for the Churchill Centre until joining PAC Outsourcing LLC in 2007.

Karen is a graduate of West Texas A&M University with a B.A. and M.A. in Political Science.

Karen is a passionate dog owner and life-time member of the SPCA.

Politics has become so expensive it takes a lot of money even to be defeated.

Will Rogers